The Big Love
The Big Love...for a big world.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. "
God is not willing that any
should perish...
Dear Friend in Christ,
From the dying lips of Christ our Savior and King, as recorded in Matthew 28;18-20, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth...go ye therefore and teach all nations.
After 2,000 years has the commission been filled? No. So the next question is why? Some things to consider: maybe Satan, the main enemy, has side-tracked us and caused us to lose the vision and focus. Up to this generation, we have not had the global technology needed to communicate the message. Maybe we have tried to complete the mandate through all of man's attempts and not the "all power" that Jesus commanded.
The Challenge: with 16,842 people groups and 3 billion people still waiting for someone to bring the Gospel, this is not an option, but a mandate. I challenge you to not only view this website but also pray about how God would have you be involved. (Please view the section "Divine Synergy")
May God bless you richly, because of Christ
John Wine